It has been no secret that I support Senator Ted Cruz for President in 2016. I was initially impressed by him when against all odds managed to defeat Lt. Governor David Dewhurst for the Republican nomination for Senate, and then went on to win the general election. His ability and eagerness to express conservative views in Washington were a refreshing change from the often half-hearted conservatism that is so common with the GOP leadership, and his willingness to stand up and fight for those principles is so rare that he has even been called a “Wacko-bird” by his own colleagues. Several months ago, I became convinced that Ted Cruz was by far the best candidate for President.
I didn’t know what I was talking about.
Please, don’t misunderstand; I have not changed my mind, but after reading his newly released book A Time For Truth, Reigniting the Miracle of America, I discovered that Ted Cruz is even more suited to be President, and even more qualified for the job than I thought.
If you care about this country, and you understand the importance of becoming an informed voter before you cast your ballot, A Time For Truth is required reading. In the book, Cruz talks about the forces in his life that shaped him, the things that motivated him to become who he is today, the mistakes he made along the way, and the lessons he learned from those mistakes.
Ted Cruz is undoubtedly the most consistently conservative figure in Washington, and certainly the most effective among the Presidential candidates. His conservatism however, is not something he picked up on the way to Washington to appeal to his voter base; it is who he is and it permeates his thought processes. In high school he became fascinated with the Constitution and with economics, and became involved with the Free Enterprise Institute. During that time he traveled across the state giving speeches on “the ten pillars of economic wisdom” to earn scholarship money for college.
Following high school Cruz attended Princeton University, where he established himself as a debate champion, and then on to law school at Harvard where he was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review. He graduated magna cum laude in 1995. One of his professors, the very liberal Alan Dershowitz described Cruz as “off-the-charts brilliant”.
After law school and a stint as clerk for Chief Justice Rehnquist, he went to work for the Bush campaign and was instrumental in winning the ballot fiasco in Florida. His career as an attorney has put him in the middle of a number of high profile cases defending constitutional principles, especially while serving as Texas solicitor general for then Attorney General Gregg Abbott.
His detractors in Washington, along with their friends in the media, would have you believe Ted Cruz is the “Wacko-bird” John McCain described him as, but nothing could be further from the truth and this book will help you understand the motivations and the methods that have made him stand out from the crowd in Washington; and it will help you understand his vision for “reigniting the miracle of America”.
If you read nothing else this year, please read A Time For Truth and you will see why I believe Ted Cruz is not just the best choice for President, he is he only choice.
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