I have been and remain convinced that neither party’s candidate is fit to hold public office or any other position of authority, for that matter. That has not changed.
I have honestly tried to convince myself that I should hold my nose, once again, and vote for Donald Trump just because he is the Republican nominee, or just because he isn’t Hillary Clinton, or for any of the other reasons given to me by his supporters, but I simply cannot do that.
Nothing anyone has been able to say to me changes the fact that I believe Donald Trump is an unprincipled, lying dirtbag that should never be put in a position of trust of any kind, most especially not that of President of the United States. As bad as she is, not even Hillary Clinton can change who Donald Trump is.
Then there’s the “lesser of two evils” theory. I’m sorry, but that’s like looking at a glass of arsenic and a glass of cyanide and debating over which one pairs well with fish. There is no “lesser”, one is just as bad as the other.
I wanted a third option but, sadly, none of the minor parties had anyone to offer that I could vote for either. Then, Ted Cruz stepped up and offered me something I could get behind.
Before anyone gets excited no, I’m not making any major announcement for Cruz about a late third-party run, although I wish I was. Sen. Cruz’s announcement that he was going to break down and vote for Trump despite all of his misgivings was not even enough to change my mind, but there was a little nugget of information contained in that announcement that provided me with my third option.
Cruz has been blasted by many, including some of his strongest supporters, for “abandoning his principles” with his decision, but I saw it differently. Cruz was doing exactly what he said the rest of us should do, voting his conscience. For quite some time afterwards, I tried once again to convince myself it would be okay to go along with Cruz, but I just could not go there with him.
One of the most compelling arguments put forth by Trump supporters has been the Supreme Court appointments. “Do you really want Hillary Clinton to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice?” they would ask, and my response would be “How do you know Trump’s would be any better, because he said so?” What Trump says he will do seems to change over time, a short time. I couldn’t trust Trump with the Supreme Court any more than I could Hillary.
I believe Cruz was in the same situation, but he was actually in a position to do something about it, and he did. This is yet another demonstration of the kind of leader Cruz is, and why he would be such a good choice for President.
Because Cruz had held out and not endorsed Trump, and because the race is so close, Trump was forced to reach out to Cruz. In announcing his support for Trump, Cruz indicated that, although Trump had given examples of the kind of judges he would appoint, that wasn’t enough to convince him. He then gave Cruz a list of nominees that he found acceptable, and Trump agreed to choose judges only from that list. Effectively, Trump is allowing Cruz to choose the Supreme Court nominees for the next four years if he wins. This, I believe, is what finally convinced Cruz to come out in support of Trump.
Finally, I have my third choice. I have never considered voting for the Witch of Benghazi, nor can I stomach the thought of voting for Trump, who is and remains, in my estimation, the biggest dirt bag to ever receive the Republican nomination. There will be no good outcome from this election, and I cannot vote for either one of the candidates. What I can vote for, however, is to give Ted Cruz the power to choose our Supreme Court justices for the next four years. If that means voting for the Republican dirtbag, then I will do what I must.
I know, Trump is perfectly capable of going back on his word, but at some point, we have to at least try to pull something out of the fires of this election. Cruz has found a way for all of us to at least get something of value out of all of this, and it would be a terrible waste if we did not accept it.
Thank you, Sen. Cruz, it will be you I am voting for when I check the box beside Donald Trump’s name.
The post Finally, A Viable Third Choice in this Election appeared first on Dispatches From The Conservative Underground.